
privacy & security official currency is US $ - dollar.
Invoices are also in US $.

Use of Personal Details Any personal information provided by you is used internally by GlovesFashion with the sole aim of either:

The latter is only done if you have requested us to keep you informed.

Third Parties:

We do not pass on your information to third parties other than:

Shopping online with is completely safe.

For your protection, we offer secure ordering by PayPal paypal, who invest in the latest security technology.

Prevention of Fraud:

We are committed to protecting consumers from the fraudulent use of their personal information. Those who attempt to fraudulently use credit cards will be reported to the appropriate authorities and prosecuted.

By placing an order with our company, the customer has read and agrees to all policies and terms on our website and accepts the sale as a legally binding contract.


Thank you

glovesfashion team

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